Let's style "message has been sent"
Hi @ll,
have you ever seen the message after using the mail form in the ad description? Here a screenshot to remember:
Hmmm, let's make it a bit more spectacular! Maybe something like this?
Like it? Ok, lets go:
What we are doing now needs some modifications on the core files or the use of a childtheme (Recommended). Please make backups before you start!
Now open your
sidebar-contact.php and find on line 23 this:
$msg = '<p class="green center"><strong>' . __('Your message has been sent!', 'appthemes') . '</strong></p>';
Directly under the above you add this:
echo '<span class="mail-message"></span>';
save the file.
Now open your
style.css and place the following at the end (bottom) of the file:
/* Mail Message Single ad */
.mail-message{display:block; float:left; position:absolute; background:url("images/mail-sent.png") no-repeat scroll right;height:558px;margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;padding:0;width:330px; z-index:997}
Now upload the image attachment (first unpack the zip!) to
Or create your own message with photoshop.
I hope some of you find this usefull