Gallery display glitches
Hello Ovidiu,
First of all great child theme, still exploring it as I go, but I noticed few glitches with the Gallery display in the ad, for instance, the images that get uploaded to my site are set to a maximum of 1200x1000 since they are big image files in dimension usually, when I preview the ad, the first image (img-main cboxElement) is displayed at it's full size instead of being resized to a default thumbnail view
Also, the image file name is renamed to a random number, example:
Original uploaded image file name: image-name.jpg
Uploaded image file name changed to: 708104-745x1000.jpg
Not sure if this is a
WP/CP or AdSplash issue though.
When I looked at the source, I noticed it's calling on the following:
PHP Code:
<class="img-main cboxElement" data-rel="colorbox" style="opacity: 1;">
Seems that the issue is related to AdSplash since reverting back to CP does resize the main image thumbnail, any feedback or suggestions on how to fix it?