An account shall be created automatically due to loss of future business
I think that is a lost if "anonymous plugin" does not create an effective account.
I believe will be a good idea to create an account ending with a number and every time the person ads an ad with that email address, to be assigned automatically to the same account number. for exacmple: anonymous 007 (email:
johnsmith@blabla.bla) and whenever
johnsmith@blabla.bla will post an add will be automatically assigned to anonymous 007. Later, the anonymous 007 can edit his account whenever we would like to, and will able to change his username from anonymous 007 to any other (eg. johnsmith_thedaddy :P )
In this way we are not loosing the contact with our possible customers.
Sometimes is not about the new users, is about how you can keep the old ones.
If you manage to do it, you will increase your sell for this plugin, and of course... you own me a beer.