In order to use this plugin, you must have a dynamic priced form set up in CCBill. If you don't have one you will need to contact CCBill to have them set it up for you: or 1-800-510-2859. Also, the advanced approval and denial URL on the subaccount should be where SITEURL is the url to your website.
This is a regular wordpress plugin. Once AppThemes is installed and ready to use, here is how to install the plugin: 1) Log into wordpress admin panel
2) Click Plugins
3) Click Add New at the top 4) Click upload
Click "choose file" and pick the file 6) Now go to your Wordpress admin panel and click on Payments/Settings (see image below)
7) Click the "CCBill" tab at the top 8) Fill in the CCBill settings and click Save Changes. The Salt Encryption key is found in your ccbill admin page (screenshot below). C) CCBill Setup - top
The following will walk you through setting up CCBill to work with the plugin. If you haven't already done so, contact CCBill and have them create a dynamic pricing form for you. Here are the steps to set it up:
Login to your CCBill account
Click Account Info at the top
Go to Sub Account Admin and click the sub account number
That's it!!! If you want to test it, you can use the following information when checking out with CCBill. You will first need to set your transaction test settings in order to use these. To access those, you go to Account Info/Transaction Test Settings and add a record with your external IP address and an email address that will be used at checkout.
Below is a list of test transaction numbers to use. If you have any questions please contact their 24 hour Client Support Department at or 1-800-510-2859.Checks:
Account number:100000000
Routing number:299999999
Result: approvalAccount number:100000001
Routing number:299999999
Result: declineCredit Cards:
Card Number:5555555555557777
Result: approved (MC)
Card Number:4444444444446666
Result: approved (Visa)
Card Number: 5555555555559922
Result: decline (MC)
Card Number: 4444444444444422
Result: decline (Visa)