How to translate into Spanish the ClassiEstate childtheme?
I have a problem. I bought your ClassiEstate but I could not translate it into Spanish. Since I followed the instructions here say:
I downloaded the Spanish language pack is here:
But nothing works...
Even tried duplicating files. Mo and. Po for renaming of "ClassiPress" a "classiestate". And I got both files, but nothing. I tried just leaving to "ClassiPress" nor. I tried again just now leaving "classiestate" and nothing!.
I want to know how to translate into Spanish for my ChildTheme ClassiEstate. Could you help me please?
PD: Attached is a photo of the FileZilla FTP to see the files and classipress-es_ES.po are in the correct folder, as shown in the tutorial.
archivos MO y PO.jpg
cambio en wp-configPHP.jpg
classiestate instalado.jpg