Pre Purchase Question Classipress and Classiestate Childtheme
I want to purchase the Classiestate Child Theme, I love it and it will work well for my needs. I already have Classipress, but my site is not live yet because I don't want to launch it without everything I need working and correctly in place. I will also want to purchase a "Jobs" Child theme. In my Classipress classifieds website I have created categories for free listings, and paid featured listings and have a business directory plugin for paid business listings which I have also created categories for.
My question is, can I purchase and install the Classiestate and a "Jobs" Child theme without any changes being made by those Child Themes to my Classipress Classifieds website? I have not made or used a child theme for my Classifieds website (is this called parent theme), and my concern is that I basically have no "blank canvas". I can see classiestate is exactly what I need but I'm scared to buy it in case it won't work.
THank you.