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Thread: Missing hooks?

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer cally's Avatar
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    Missing hooks?

    I really like Classipost, but I am having problems with a plugin.
    I contacted the developer of the plugin, but he has given me the following message from the developer of the plugin (Ribbons):

    This looks like a issue with the child theme where the author forgot to call classipress original hooks.
    The ribbons plugin uses the following 2 hooks:
    Those 2 actions are used to display the ribbons and tags by the plugin. They exist in the single ad page but may be missing from the front page when looping through the ads.
    If they are missing the author needs to add them.
    This will affect all plugins that need to use these actions.
    You can contact the child theme author and ask him to add those hooks as plugins use those

    Please can you help?
    The site is:
    Many thanks, Cally

  2. #2
    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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