Claim Your Listing!
I think this feature would be really useful to classifieds site owners. Claim Your Listing would have 2 Sub Features
1. If we hire someone to do some basic business listing and the actual owner finds the listing on our site he would be given 2 options - Claim Your Listing and Delete This Listing. If he selects Claim Listing - then the listing would be transferred to his account and he would be able to make mods to the listing. If he wishes to delete the listing, then there should be a delete button & email id. We would say - for deleting entry - we will email you and confirm you are the rightful owner of this listing.
2. For business listings who add websites - there should be a facility to verify the website and that we could add website verified by owner. What this essentially does is a function similar to Google WebMaster tools where in we upload a file with a specific name to verify validity that we own the website.