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Thread: To David !!! featured ads are really featured ?

  1. #1
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    Veteran pinocchio's Avatar
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    Wink To David !!! featured ads are really featured ?

    Guys plz rate ! I posted a similar thing no1 even read !!!

    I think there must be some options in ads pack settings and that's :

    1-define how many pictures can be uploaded in this ads pack.
    2- how long it must be shown as featured.
    note : look David ! it is not needed to define how long ad must be shown !!! u know all classified websites let their users post a free ads with some limits ! it is not necessary to define how long for free ! it's clear a free ad can be shown for 1 year but about the featured ads it's different ! it must be defined how long a featured ad can be shown and the amount must be calculated automatically! what does it mean ? a feature post is shown for 90 days while the pricing is the same as a 1 month featured ad !!!!
    there must be a difference !

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    If more users are requesting for this feature then I think it will be considered and so we may need to bump this thread.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
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    Veteran pinocchio's Avatar
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    My friend Jomark thanks for always reading and giving reply to my posts. since the classifieds websites and their advertising methods are different from each other it is really necessary to improve the theme as flexible as possible ! website owners can not earn money by the current sys of CP so why the need to buy it ? carousel images are not satisfactory (for small pix ), no widget to show the relevant featured ads and the worst thing is that the duration of featured ads can't defined ! look the currency of the countries are different so there appear many differences among Europe Us Asia and .... so there must be more options to make featured ads really featured and different from the free ads !
    David ! I have a question ! do u think showing the featured ads in a carousel (where pix are toooooo small) is enough to make featured ads different from free ones ?

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