Person | Company profile with recurring billing option
Hi guys!
For my website there is one feature i really need!
I want to create a seperate person and a company profile page.
Upon registration they can choose between a "person" or a "company" via a radiobutton.
Beneath there will be a small textfield with all the benefits of choosing an option.
The person profile stays the way like it is now but the company profile will be more advanced. (see attached pro PS image)
I like to charge companies on a monthly base with paypals recurring billing. A checkbox which says they agree with terms and monthly payments.
If they do so they will get this advanced profile page.
-unlimited free posting
-photo's of their company
-company logo
-google map
Any oppinions on this one? Or more features added?
I have several websites in php but i have proof that this works very good! Companies would like to pay a small amount for this and get a company profile page.
Last edited by akoetsier; November 27th, 2010 at 01:58 PM.
Reason: text adjustment
This is something i also need implemented.
But what's the use for this? Does each role have its own type of profilepage?
Can you send a different type of automated email to a role?
For me it is key to have a normal profile page like it is now for customers , and an advaced profile page for companies.
The recurring billing option can be done be email and coupons , but this is not automated at all.
Please share your thoughts.
If i want this implemented , what would be the costs ?