Adding Ad-Category to Header Area
I want to insert a page's ad category into the page header area.
I have inserted a line of text into header.php and I'm getting text where I want the text. But I'm having trouble displaying the page's or listing's ad category.
I've tried the following:
<?php echo APP_TAX_CAT; ?> which displays ad_cat
<?php echo ad_cat; ?> which displays ad_cat
<?php echo CP_Ads_Categories; ?> which displays CP_Ads_Categories
I also tried some other variables out of desperation and as expected, none of those worked either.
Just to make sure I'm at least barking up the right tree, I tried:
<?php echo CP_VERSION; ?> which displayed 3.4.1, so I know the concept is sound.
Can anybody tell me what I should be echoing? Do I need to define a variable somewhere.
As always, any help is greatly appreciated.