Capture.jpgWell before ClassiPress did not create Checkboxes and radio buttons I modded this gentle beast to create checkboxes.
And the reason I wanted checkboxes was to create quicker forms where multiple selections could be made of options that are useful for real estate--rentals, for sales--the whole jazz of properties and what pertains to them.
And then I had to mod Classipress to give me 2 outputs in an ad...all the custom fields that were NOT checkbox values for the upper right hand list and another output in the content area that HAD checkbox options individually presented in unordered lists rather than a string of options with commas between them in one string.
I am enclosing a screen capture of the localhost testing server rendition of my modded CP from a test ad. I used 6 multiple choice checkbox categories in the Ad form for Rentals.
In this ad I clicked some boxes and left others blank at random in the Rentals form and left on multiple-choice checkbox completely blank which does not show up in this ad.
My mod gives me in the upper right hand the Custom field values from radio buttons and text and text area plus the standard price and date stamp. But NO CHECKBOX options.
They are reserved to be printed up in a series of ordered lists below the Description and content text area.
I dropped some extra CSS into style.css to apply to those lists that were created by checkboxes.
A variation of this coding can put the checkbox lists in a separate sidebar on the right if desired.