blog entry or article on the homepage
Howdy All -
I really like my Classipress site but I wanted to add a slight bit of customization to the "home page". What I would like to do is have a space where I could display the latest article (or blog entry) that we write on the homepage. Basically replace the "Ad Categories" area with a blurb (the first paragraph or two) from the article that would then be linked to the full post. The website is a good example of a site that has the "blurb" on the home page that takes reader to the main article.
I have tried to do some research on doing this and I came across this little piece of information in quotations below. Does anyone know if this would still be the correct way to do this in the new version? Would there be a different way that would be more effective?
"You can save the current index.php as a page template and create a page for ads using this new page template. Then you would need to create a new index.php from the existing page template for blog posts. Basically it would be just an exchange: page template for ads (not for blog posts) and index.php for blog posts (not for ads). " this was the advice from bluecafe on this post
My thought was that I could create a new index.php page with this blog capability but I;m not sure exactly how to pull the information from the blog to the homepage.
Any thoughts, ideas, or advice would be helpful.
Last edited by sgbates; December 1st, 2011 at 12:16 AM.
Reason: edit for attribution of quote to bluecafe