Classifieds + directory using classipress?
In addition to the classifieds, I'd like to add a directory to my site using classipress.
The directory would be different than classifieds in these ways:
- directory submissions will not expire
- directory will have a different set of categories than the classifieds
- I may want directory submissions to initially be in "draft"/non-published form before I approve them, while classifieds are immediately published without approval.
- I'd like there to be a separate form to fill out for directory submissions.
- I'd like to complete some directory submissions myself, and allow businesses to "claim" their directory submission and modify it as they choose.
The directory would be similar to the classifieds in this important way:
- members would be able to view/edit their directory submission from their single dashboard (in addition to their classified ads).
Do you think a combo classifieds/directory like this can be hacked together from CP 3.0 (once it arrives)? What additional features of CP may be needed for this to work smoothly?