Classipress Advanced Search/Refine Results Widget
Hey guys, can someone please give me the 'heads-up' on setting up
Advanced Search?
I want to implement something similar to below -
Refine Results.png
The Appthemes Docs - make mention of creating some custom fields, then creating a new form layout, by going - Classipress/Form Layouts. The menu item 'Form Layouts' does not exist under 'Classipress' in the Admin menu, well not on my version of CP anyhow, 3.5.3.
I've gone through every menu item and every setting I can find but the only reference to the widget is in Classipress/Settings/General/Refine Price Slider -
CHECK BOX to Use a price slider instead of input fields in the "refine search" widget.
boublech posted a similar question in
"Refine Results widgets is not showing up" in which Dimitris replied -
Hi, there is no widget, to enable it you need to create a custom form and choose the fields for the search
This tutorial also mentions the 'Form Layouts' i.e. 3. Click on “Form Layouts” => “Add New”.
A google search reveals lots of 2-5 year old threads, none of which have proven to be helpful in CP 3.5.3.
Could someone please shed some light on this?