Is Classipress being turned into a plugin!!!
This isn't the first time I've asked so will ask again as I am repeatedly hearing that classipress is being turned into a plugin.
I would like to know if it is and if so what will be the effect on people who have made their sites using classipress as a theme?
I understand the bog standard answer will be - ''nothing - just keep using it as it is'', but in reality does this mean that sites that are using classipress as it is now, will be left in the dark regarding updates, etc, if a plugin version comes becomes a reality?
It bothers me because I like many others have bought into the theme aspect of classipress and have spent many hours configuring and customising it for my purpose and would be pretty cheesed off if new wordpress updates rendered it useless due to the potential depreciation in support/updates due to a plugin version superceeding the theme version.
Also plugins purchased - would these be rendered useless too?