Classipress - sidebar widgets
When I place an adsense unit in one of the sidebar widgets, the existing grey box/border of the existing widget doesn't disappear. You can see the adsense unit superimpossed on the grey box below. I'm not sure, but I believe I've found the code for this sidebar widget and was wondering if it could somehow be hidden, so that the adsense advertisment looks good. Here is the code...
'name' => __('Main Sidebar','appthemes'),
'id' => 'sidebar_main',
'description' => __('This is your main ClassiPress sidebar.','appthemes'),
'before_widget' => '<div class="shadowblock_out" id="%2$s"><div class="shadowblock">',
'after_widget' => '</div><!-- /shadowblock --></div><!-- /shadowblock_out -->',
'before_title' => '<h2 class="dotted">',
'after_title' => '</h2>',
**I think I have the right code, but I'm really not sure. Does anybody understand what I'm talking about in the first place? Is there a trick we can use?