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Thread: Classipress V4.2.7 Help please.

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    Classipress V4.2.7 Help please.


    I was using Classipress v3.6 earlier and upgraded now to 4.2.7. They layout is terrible and just looks bloated, not a nice theme.

    However, I have adjusted it to somewhat my liking but need some help.

    As all my .php additions disappeared on upgrade, I am trying to find where to add .php code again.

    For example, in the ads I had title, price and then I also had if they accepted cryptocurrency. I can not find what .php file holds this info for the featured listings aswell as the single page listings.

    Are they built up from many different parts now? V3.6 was so easy to change .php files to customize everything to your looks, this version is terrible to try to customize if your not a very good web designer, which I lack

    Also v3.6 showed all content at a more visually pleasant size. This version just shows everything super sized no matter how you try to zoom out or play with your browser. Like the Featured Listings are half the screen size each. How can you change the sizes of these???

    Please help a novice knowledgable person in webdesign figure this out

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