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Thread: Classipress within classipress

  1. #1
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    Classipress within classipress

    I am going to post an example of what I would like to do with this theme. It is some what hard to explain so please bear with me. As I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction, and/or perhaps provide an even better solution.

    For ease of sake lets say the site is dealing with Real Estate.

    Classipress out of the box allows you to make Ad categories with or without parents. Which is fine. But what if we want to have each and every category separate from one another yet at the same time integrated into the back-end order page. Let me try to explain further.

    We setup a menu on the top with > Houses for Sale // Houses for Rent // Find an Agent // Find a Tenant

    Now, we want each and every one of those categories to be separated from one another. To explain further.

    Houses for Sale: will have categories (Townhouses, Bungalows, Semi-Detached, etc). When you click on the main menu at the top on the header it will go (domain/houses-sale) it will show a featured ads slider ONLY with the houses for sale. The advanced search will be ONLY good for houses for sale (and not mix in the results of for rent, agents, and tenants) and when posting an ad in that section will use a separate form to fill when posting the ad as well as pricing model (and not mix the other ones in with it) but at the same time in the back end all the orders will show in the payments>orders page. We could have a pricing model of say free for 15 days or $5.00 for 180 days. with a $2 feature ad.

    Then we want the next category Houses for Rent, to work the same way. When you click the top menu it points to (domain/houses-rent) and will more or less have the same sub categories as the for sale section. But again the advanced search will only show results for rentals. It will use a separate form when someone posts the ad. All the featured ads will not mix with this category. it will have a separate pricing model (xx% based on rent price) and not be mixed in with the other categories.

    The find an agent postings will work in the same way. and have a category for each state. The advanced searches will only show results for the agents. The menu will point to (domain/agents) but only the ADMIN will be able to post agent info in this category. Using a separate form (ie the agents will need to contact via form or email to ask to be listed on the site) these ads with have no expiry and only be controlled by the admin.

    and finally the find a tenant will run very similar to the find an agent, but will be completely free for anyone to post they are looking for a place. again it will point to (domain/find-tenants) the search future will be separate from all the others only showing the results for the tenants in advanced search. Use a different form fill for the ad. And only have the option of free for 30 days.

    Finally the home page will act as a page to tell people about the site. The orange post an ad button will be removed from the home page. And all the buttons will be placed on a sidebar [Post a House for sale] [Post House for rent] etc.
    The featured ad slider on the homepage will be a mix of all featured ads. And contain a main static page of what the website is about.

    The ad listings (just listed, most popular, random) will be moved into the main page for each of the separate categories and then only contain the ads pertaining to those categories (along with the featured ad slider doing the same)

    Hopefully that did not confuse any too much. It is almost as if we would like to create a classipress theme within a classipress theme.

    Hopefully someone can chime in here with some idea's on how to make this possible or point me into the right direction. Or perhaps I am simply over-complicating things and there is a better approach to take with the same results.


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