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Thread: Custom contact fields?

  1. #1
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    Member nickcollins's Avatar
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    Custom contact fields?


    On the listings page there is a tabbed area with a map and the ability for users to contact the owner of the advert. This was a major reason why I chose this theme instead of others. But I need to add extra fields to it and I don't know how.

    I have found a file which is in /includes/sidebar-contact.php and I can change this to add more fields, this part I have done but I can only figure out how to add text fields so far.

    The 2nd part is more difficult. I assume its something to do with /includes/theme-emails.php from line 281. I tried to add fields in the first file and then replicate it over here but the new fields are still not showing up in the emails that are sent. Is there something else I need doing?

    I would prefer it if the contact area has the following fields, please can someone assist me with this?

    Subject: should be automatically populated with the advert name
    Arrival Date: Drop Down box Day | Drop Down box Month | Drop Down box year
    Duration: Number field max 3 characters min 1
    Dates Flexible: Tick box OR a Drop down yes / No
    Adults in Party: Drop down box 1-20
    Children in party: Drop Down box 1-20
    Pool heating: Tick box OR Drop down box yes / no
    Currency: Drop down box for currencies
    Telephone: Number field max 14 characters
    Message: Text area box, can use the existing one

    All these new fields should then be sent via email to the advert owner, this is the part I am mainly struggling with..



  2. #2
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  3. #3
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