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Thread: Display "free" instead of "0" in category drop-down - post ad page

  1. #1
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    Junior Member timkoch's Avatar
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    Display "free" instead of "0" in category drop-down - post ad page

    Firstly, thanks to all of you who are willing to help those of us with less experience. It really helps us to grow in our skills as well.

    So here is another problem I came across, and for which I could not find a similar thread or answer. It is probably not the most difficult but still too much for me. Would be really cool if any php wizz could help me with this one

    When one charges for listing ads in specific categories, and one specifies the prices for each category accordingly, then one could come across the following situation:

    When you post an ad, then on the first page of the process, you have to select your categories. Then each parent category has a price displayed next to it. Child categories dont, well at least on my site. The free categories display as $0. Now, how would I go about displaying 'Free' instead of '0' by categories with a '0' price? And then, aligning both the price and the 'Free' onto the right, while the category name is still aligned to the left.

    If you would like to see what I mean then see my site (which is still under construction) here.

    Im confident someone will know the answer. Please share.

    Thanks alot.

  2. #2
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