Dropdown custom field search
I am trying to create a multi criteria search for the searchbar.
Right now you can select a category or a sub category form the default dropdown menu.
What I want is to duplicate this dropdown menu and have it show a custom field, like region or state before you hit ok and generate a multi criteria request.
I opened the "theme-searchbar.php" and copied:
<?php wp_dropdown_categories('show_option_all='.__('All Categories', 'appthemes').'&hierarchical='.get_option('cp_cat_hierarchy').'&hide_empty='.get_option('cp_cat_hide_empty').'&depth='.get_option('cp_search_depth').'&show_count='.get_option('cp_cat_count').'&pad_counts='.get_option('cp_cat_count').'&orderby=name&title_li=&use_desc_for_title=1&tab_index=2&name=scat&selected='.cp_get_search_catid().'&class=searchbar&taxonomy='.APP_TAX_CAT); ?>
it creates a similar dropdown menu right next to it wich allows to actualy refine search.
However I can't figure how to modify it to use a custom field. I tried changing the ID and tables, but with little success...
I've read several of the tutorials and threads on this forum and I couldn't find what I was looking for. (or maybe I just didn't get it!)
Anyway sorry if this question was asked before but I could really use some advices.
How would you proceed with this piece of code.
Thanks in advance!