Editing top navigation menu
I want to exclude pages from the top menu but not from the bottom menu. I have tried to locate the correct spot in both the header.php and theme header.php but can't seem to find it I however, found it in the theme footer.php!!!
Is my eyesight failling me? I even copy and pasted the whole code so that I could search and could not find the correct section to exclude the pages from the top menu... Am I looking at the right place?
I can't seem to find this section of code in v3.1.4 of classipress!!
Re: Exclude Pages from Top Menu But Not Bottom?
Was able to resolve this issue by editing the header.php code:
<?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&depth=0&titl e_li=0&exclude=83,85,'.get_option('cp_excluded_pag es')); ?>
Where as 83 and 85 are the page id's. I left the CP exclude functions in so that I could still have control from the settings menu.