Favorites not showing in my "favorites" page.
hi i followed these steps. Everything seems to look ok, but none of the ads that i favorited is not showing on the "favorite" page. anybody know what the problem might be? thanks
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
2. Place <?php if (function_exists('wpfp_link')) { wpfp_link(); } ?> in your single.php or page.php template file. Then favorite this post link will appear in all posts.
3. OR if you DO NOT want the favorite link to appear in every post/page, DO NOT use the code above. Just type in [wpfp-link] into the selected post/page content and it will embed the print link into that post/page only.
4. Create a page e.g. "Your Favorites" and insert {{
wp-favorite-posts}} text into content section. This page will contain users favorite posts.