Game Changing Themes for Classipress
Now, we do have a neat theme that comes by default with Classipress (CP), a good minx of features, but is that enough? The ting tht has been troubling me ever since I decided to go ahead with CP a cpl of yrs ago is the monotonous look and feel of the matter how much we customise the look and feel, it is not very difficult to guess that it is a branch off of the CP default theme.
yes there are a few who have done a good job with the themes, but here I am talking about those game changing themes that have utilised the web 2.0 in true sense and has affected their revenues from the site in a positive way.
I am not a designer or a PHP developer but I try to get my hands dirty with customising the CP themes and am hoping the new extension features in the 3.1 will allow me to do neat customisations.
But the gist of my blurbbb is that we need to put in some effort to create flexible layout management, home page customisation hooks, better sliders. more templates to accommodate different end user types, out of the world social networking utilisation on the pages, some smart features that differentiate Classipress with just a listing type of a site.
My first goal with my existing site (
Dehradun Classifieds) will be to create home page content in a way that it can hold the user for longer than average 3 seconds (as per google stats).
Second goal make the search intuitive and add game like fun factor to it.
Third goal, add pleasant social media hooks in such a way that they prompt the users to click them and use then (rather than just being there like on any other site begging for likes and clicks)
Yes did I say we need a news letter plugin desparately, as I am not able to get repeated customers (any help with that would be appreciated by CP/
WP gurus).
Tell me what your thoughts are on my views and I am more than happy to share the IP that I build over the next few months for the benefit of all CP users.