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Thread: GoogleMap default fallback to Suburb/Town Location if no address found

  1. #1
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    Senior Member appouser's Avatar
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    GoogleMap default fallback to Suburb/Town Location if no address found

    Hi folks. I'm setting up an Australian Real Estate site that deals with new homes in new Estates in fringe areas around a major capital city.

    As many of the streets in these Estates haven't as yet been picked up by Google Maps, I find that it defaults to New York when it can't locate the address. I've since amended the sidebar-gmap.php file code so that it now defaults to the Aussie major capital city in this instance.

    What I really need is for the map to default/fallback to the suburb or town that the unknown street is located in. Is there a way to amend the code for this circumstance?

    I'd appreciate any help.


  2. #2
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