My ideal site, need help accomplishing it
My site is and I would like it to function a lot like that of They are using a PHP script, I have ClassiPress, so I realize they are different. But with mods I'm hoping to make it function like theirs. Here are a few ideas:
1. Users post free ads if it has NO picture, users can pay a monthly membership fee if they want to post ads with pictures.
2. I would like to have my featured listing show up one at a time like that at this site... I like the layout of that site.
3. Users contact (pm) each other directly using a system of some sort (instead of just looking at the contact info)
4. Like on the cherrypoint website, I need a form script of some sort (kinda a newb in that area) where users can post that their having a yard sale, but instead of it showing up as an ad.. it automatically is listed in sidebar and shows up like that at cherrypoint site.. 2 yard sale signs saying "?" yard sales today / "?" Yard sales tomorrow
5. Again, like cherrypoint, I like how at the top is has quotes that change automatically. For eg "One man's trash is another man's treasure" and it just keeps showing different quotes.
yahoo messenger: amylynns1984