Map using LatLng for more precise location, marker not positioning on latlng.
I have adjusted sidebar-gmap.php so that cp_street enters a latlng (18.454881,-67.159877)
PHP Code:
$make_address = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'cp_street', true);
When it is mapped google maps does not mark the latlng, but instead marks the closest known address.
I have played with option after option and each time it either has no effect or causes the map not to load at all.
How can I get the position of the marker to hover over the exact latlng?
If you go to and enter 18.454881,-67.159877 in the search you will get a green arrow (the exact location) and red/pink map marker "A" (the point that shows up on my map and the nearest known address)
I believe I need to change
PHP Code:
function codeAddress()
PHP Code:
function codelatlng
, but I have tried it quite a few times with no luck.