Memberships and Membership Packages
I've read a number of postings but haven't quite figured out if I can or cannot do this yet.
I have set up 5-6 different ad packages - with differing pricing/timing structures.
I want people to have registered on the site (free registration) before they can post any ads at all - I will moderate registrations.
I also want to be able to let those people who have registered have two free ads within a certain time frame as an incentive to sign up and use the site.
If I set up a membership package for two free ads. . how do I connect that to registration? Or, if I don't depend on membership packages, do I simply have to monitor the number on my own - not the worst thing in the world - but could become a headache?
I noticed that if I set "membership required" to post an ad -- it asks for registration (not site registration) but then seems to get caught in a cycle.
Thanks for the help.