Mod, Let's featured ads appear first (top) in search results and MUCH MORE!!
I've made a mod that let's featured ads appear on top results.
You can look at the result in
What does it do?
-It lets user chose between 3 different packages: "featured" "premium" or "free.
Captura de pantalla 2012-04-16 a las 10.35.26 PM.jpg
Each package has different characteristics:
1)FEatured ads appear first, followed by premium and lastly free ads.
2)Different amount of pictures, price and expiration date.
These can be edited through the admin:
Captura de pantalla 2012-04-16 a las 10.34.53 PM.jpg
-It lets you edit ads and assign specific categories.
Captura de pantalla 2012-04-16 a las 10.33.49 PM.jpg
This is how ads are showed in searches.
Captura de pantalla 2012-04-16 a las 10.21.02 PM.jpg
This mod will give you the possiblity of increasing revenue, by offering users 3 different types of ads.
If you have any questions on how the mod works, just ask me.
If you are interested in getting this mod contact me at or .
Im giving it for a $20 donation.
I have attached a file with screenshots.
Thank you very much!!