Multi-Currency support for Classipress?
I found this thread posted over a year ago but it has not been solved.
That is what I would like to request now please help us.
Something I think that is sorely missing from ClassiPress is support for multiple currencies. Could you possibly implement something like I have edited in the below screenshot where the user would input their price and select the appropriate currency from a drop down box to the right.
The drop down would have a list like the below example:
USD ($)
JPY (¥)
GBP (£)
EUR (€)
CNY (¥)
KRW (₩)
Once the user submitted the ad, the price would show up with appropriate currency sign in the price tag icon. When the ad details are viewed the actual currency name would be viewable "US Dollars, Japanese Yen, etc....".
I would imagine that this would be closer to being possible now with the recent addition of the multiselect and radio buttons.
I realize you are guys are busy dealing with many issues regarding the newly released 3.0.5 but I hope you can consider this for 3.1 or a version soon after that. Appreciate any feedback.