Need help to over-ride a rule in red-black.css
My client would like to make the red menu-bar dark gray. With Firebug I've determined the css that controls this is in red-black.css, at line 16:
.header_menu { background:#b22222; border-top:2px solid #c35353;}
I can change the colors in Firebug, but when I edit my styles.css in the child-theme folder, red-black.css over-rides it. So I placed a file in the child-folder titled "red-black.css" and put just the above line in with my desired colors. No change - menu bar remains at the Theme red.
I also tried creating a styles folder in the child theme folder, and put my version of red-black.css in there, thinking I may need to replicate the path... That didn't work either.
So I guess I'm missing a step on over-riding a css rule that involves OTHER than the basic styles.css.
Any clues on how to override a the theme's red-black.css (parent theme path: site/
=Alan R.