Need help please
I really need to get this plugin working with cp 3.5.3 and
wp 4.4.1
It is a time saving godsend but only partially works.
When editing an ad from the back end and you have a ton of categories - wordpress by default doesn't have a toggle on the category list.
This plugin creates a toggle/collapse/expand on the parent category so it's very easy to manipulate the ad to whatever category you want it in.
Rather than scrolling up and down and up and down trying to find the category you need.
This part actually works.
What doesn't work is adding a new category from same edit ad screen just underneath the category meta box.
You can select add new category, input a new category, but when you come to submit - Nothing happens.
If someone could try this plugin and get it working I would appreciate it tons.
I've spent all day messing with the blooming thing and am no closer to getting anywhere to be honest.
Kind regards