Need help to remove list of page in Footer
Would like to remove the list of pages or the "page menu" that sets above the 4 footer columns added with the Footer Widget. I'm using a child-theme, and it has an "includes" folder, into which I've placed a copy of "theme-footer.php". After making some edits to this file that SHOULD show on the site - nothing happens, the page is ignored. I changed the text on line 84 from "Classified Ads Software" to "THIS TEXT IS BUGGERED", and it is not showing in the page. I also removed the code in lines 29 & 30:
<li class="first"><a href="<?php echo get_option('home')?>"><?php _e('Home','appthemes'); ?></a></li>
<?php wp_list_pages( 'sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li=&exclude= '.get_option('cp_excluded_pages') ); ?>
which I believe are creating the list of pages. No change.
Either my child-theme is not set up right or just freekin' LOST! It was on good advise from the
WP forum I was told that child-themes must recreate the folder hierarchy of the parent theme. This seems to have been working - but I can't touch that list of pages.
Any clues?
=Alan R.