New Users confused
I just received some feedback from a person who wanted to register my my new Classipress site - that they found it 'confusing'. I was extremely puzzled by this as it's the easiest sign up I've seen for a while, so as I was there in person I asked them to show me what they meant. Looking over their shoulder they went to the Log In page and put a username and password in (of course they were at 'log in' not 'register') and the message read 'error username and password not valid', 'forgot password?' etc - but not 'Have you registered yet?' The register link is right at the bottom and is easy to overlook. (For some people)
My question is - can I modify the login page to have a big message with "New User? Register Here!!!" I do have a big sign on the front page "Register here for free" with a link - but would be good to have something more prominent on the log in page.
I did have another complaint about this but the disgruntled person wouldn't enter into a dialogue with me they just sent a moaning email with no details.