Progress bar while uploading images
Hi @ll,
The reason why you don't find any progress bar (percentage counter) while uploading an image (while posting an ad) is related to Flash Player limitations. To get a 'progress counter' to work with flash, resizing feature would need to be disabled.
As a workaround you may reorder plupload modules, to load 'silverlight' or 'html5' first. This can be done with the following filter into your child themes functions.php
PHP Code:
function childtheme_reorder_plupload_modules( $app_plupload_config ) {
$app_plupload_config['plupload']['runtimes'] = 'silverlight,html5,flash,html4';
return $app_plupload_config;
add_filter( 'app_plupload_config', 'childtheme_reorder_plupload_modules' );
The result will be something like this while uploading an image:
Maybe some of you like to use it.