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Thread: Question regarding query_posts() vs. get_posts() usage on Index.php

  1. #1
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    Rookie hoodwebmgmt's Avatar
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    Question Question regarding query_posts() vs. get_posts() usage on Index.php

    I'm in the middle of hacking up my index.php tabs, and I noticed that tab 1 & 3 uses query_posts to call the loop for that tab. As I was reading the documentation for query_posts I noticed that it said this:

    The query_posts() function is intended to be used to modify the main page loop only. It is not intended as a means to create secondary loops on the page. If you want to create separate Loops outside of the main one, you should use get_posts() instead.
    Is there a specific reason that query_posts is used on both tabs? If I'm planning on converting tab 3 to a category specific tab, should I keep query_posts or implement get_posts like they suggest?


  2. #2
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