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Thread: Return URL when payment server response=OK

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    Return URL when payment server response=OK

    Hello All

    I am using Targetpay ( as payment server provider.
    I don't understand anything about the explanations about the API's let alone how to integrate them in the script.

    I want to use Classipress for several niches and I will do that on subdomains.
    On the subdomains it's enough to set a fixed price per ad and I can solve that with a javascript link in step1.php (well I think I have to put it there somewhere ).
    That javascript link wil open a popup window from Targetpay with several payment options.
    In my Targetpay account I can set a return URL after payment.
    I want this to be the URL to the file that approves the ad and publishes it. I don't know if that's the way Classipress works. But that's why I ask.

    So I am looking for something like this I hope you understand what I mean

    On my main domain I want to use different prices per category and there I will need the API's.

    But my main question now is, what do I set as returnurl, so that the ad will be approved and published?

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