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Thread: Some Mods Needed

  1. #1
    AppThemes Affiliate ebardhi's Avatar
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    Some Mods Needed

    Hello to all,
    I'm working on my classipress theme and I need to do some mods. Hope that someone can help me, hope even that I'm not double posting.

    First of all, my site will be always free so people will never use PayPal or any other payment process for their ads.

    1. I need that when they post an ad they can select their currency that they are selling, for example Euro, Dollar or GB. So when it shows the price in the right of the ad it will show it with the currency symbol that they selected.

    2. I don't need to be a title form, but for the title i want to be used the other forms that they will complete. for example if they submit, State: xxx, country yyy, city zzz, etc... the title should be xxx,yyy,zzz so the title will be what forms they complete.

    3. I saw that if someone writes a very long title the title does not goes 2 or 3 lines but stays one line and goes till the end of the page. Can we make that after x characters long the title wraps in 2 lines or three.

    4. Can we make a custom form so when a user selects a country in the city fields it will be shown only the city of that country, and when he selects another country the city field changes and populates with this other country cities.

    5. At the beginning mos of the post will be made by the admin. can it be done that the admin ads will not have the contact poster in the right sidebar, but to be shown some text that the interested people should contact by phone number that is submitted in the ad.

    Hope that I'm not requesting too much

    Best Regards
    Ergi Bardhi

    Sorry for my bad English, not my mother tongue.

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Thank you and have a nice day.

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