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Thread: Update database to mark ad as paid and expiry date

  1. #1
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    Junior Member mijmu's Avatar
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    Update database to mark ad as paid and expiry date


    I am looking to implement paygol on my website. I have the pay part working but now I need to update my database. This is where I am lost.

    Paygol provide the attached code to be placed in a file. This is then called when the payment is successful.

    Could someone tell me how to update the database or I can pay for someone to do it. Paygol say I can use these parameters to do the update. Custom might be used to pass maybe the post_id which can be used to update the ad as paid and the expiry date.



    // check that the request comes from PayGol server
    array('', '', ''))) {
    header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden");
    die("Error: Unknown IP");

    // get the variables from PayGol system
    $message_id = $_GET['message_id'];
    $shortcode = $_GET['shortcode'];
    $keyword = $_GET['keyword'];
    $message = $_GET['message'];
    $sender = $_GET['sender'];
    $operator = $_GET['operator'];
    $country = $_GET['country'];
    $custom = $_GET['custom'];
    $points = $_GET['points'];
    $price = $_GET['price'];
    $currency = $_GET['currency'];

    // Here you can do whatever you want with the variables, for instance inserting or updating data into your Database


  2. #2
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