What is good way to implement multiple countries/currencies?
My CP site already allows people to tag their ads with their state. In my posting-form, I hacked the tag-input into a list of US states (I hope future CP versions have a better way of doing this).
Now, adding additional countries presents new challenges, namely:
1. each country may have it's own sub-regions that can be cumbersome to select when posting an ad
2. The $currency is different for each country.
3. Different counties may have different languages
So I was wondering if anyone else is dealing with this, and has ideas on how to allow for multiple countries/currencies?
I'm keeping with English language countries for now, so translating languages is not an issue for me right now.
I prefer to keep everything within a single instance of Wordpress/CP.
One option might be to have people choose their country when posting an ad. Upon choosing their country, another drop-down selection menu of subregions can be populated, along with the appropriate currency symbol being automatically selected (and there should be some indication of the auto-selected currency symbol to the ad poster). But there are probably better ways of doing it... ya gotz any?