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Thread: I will pay $20 for someone to help me with this...

  1. #1
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    Member nickcollins's Avatar
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    I will pay $20 for someone to help me with this...


    So I have just found out that the listings stay basically live once they have expired! I had removed the Listing and expiry date from the front end of the site because I do not require them, I was trying to figure out why listings where not being removed upon expiry but basically it does not happen, it just comes up with "this listing has expired".

    I need my listings to go back to "Pending review" or "Draft" or basically hidden from public status when they have expired.

    When someone then pays to renew their listing, it will go live again. I do not want the listings deleted completely because that would mean if someone wanted to renew a few months later, all their views and other things would be gone and not to mention the fact they would have to enter all the listing details again.

    For me, this is a massive flaw in classipress, I understand why some sites will want the adverts still showing on the site but with an expired status, but mine simply can not stay live once the listing period has ended.

    I would also prefer to have listings based on paypal and google payments which auto renew (use their subscription models) so that basically I can have it so that when the listing ends, it tries to take payment and auto renew until the advertiser then cancels through paypal or google.

    But the main thing is the expiry thing. Please can someone help me with this ASAP?



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  3. #3
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