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Thread: Ad not activated

  1. #1
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    christopher's Avatar
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    Ad not activated

    I think I have set up everything correctly, but after completing the payment process the ad is not activating.

    I am using Paypal Sandbox and returning to my site after completing - the url taking me back is:
    /?payment=1&tx=8XF51969A7374835C&st=Completed&amt=4 .99&cc=GBP&cm=&item_number=4

    Thought it might be server issues but having tried it on a couple of different setups I am still not making progress. Nothing crops up in error logs either.

    Using WP 2.8, CP 2.9.2, and all the latest version of plugins. PHP 5.2.3 and MySQL 5.0.45

    Any ideas?

    I did search the forum and couldn't find a solution - found one thread where David said that returning to the site was the only way to get the payment process to complete. I have used Yak for WordPress (" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false on another site integrating shopping cart and Paypal - it has a neat way of using Paypal's Instant Payment Notification Preferences:
    ...used by PayPal to send a message to your server when a purchase is completed–this page is located withinthe YAK directory, so relative to your WordPress root directory the page can be found at: /wp-content/plugins/yak-for-wordpress/yak-paypal-ipn.php.

  2. #2
    Founder dcowgill's Avatar
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    Re: Ad not activated

    What is your post prune option set to? I'm wondering if your ad is getting published but then as soon as you load up the home page, it takes it back to draft b/c you have prune set to 0 days or something short term.

    Change it to 99 and see if that fixes it.

  3. #3
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    christopher's Avatar
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    Re: Ad not activated

    I tried not having post pruning, then I had it as 365, just tried it at 99 days and still no joy.

    I think this shows it going to paypal: /?ok=ok&title=Post+prune+99&id=17&catid=5&fid=&lpri ce=9.99

    This is coming back from paypal: /?payment=1&tx=0FU2244657428311G&st=Completed&amt=4 .99&cc=GBP&cm=&item_number=17

    If I go and manually publish it it then has highlights 98days 23hours next to an egg timer icon.

    Have reloaded theme in case there was a problem with one of the files, have deactivated and reactivated in case of a database snafu but to no avail.

    EDIT: oh and my permalinks are set to /postid/category/postname resulting in /17/fishing/post-prune-99

    Any ideas?

    Was looking at 125ad plugins and found one using a PHP Paypal IPN Integration Class developed by this guy - ... class.html" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
    Thought you might find interesting.

  4. #4
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    Re: Ad not activated

    Have now moved from localhost server onto a live server as one last try

    I am getting no error messages, but Ads are not published and the 'New ad submission' email is sent but is failing as no recipients are added.

    After setting up a clean Paypal Sandbox login it now seems to be publishing correctly - not sure why but pleased it works.
    The 'New ad submission' email was failing because it is linked to get_userdata(1) ie the default WordPress Admin user - which I always delete and replace so it didn't exist - changed it to get_userdata(2) and it worked. Thinking of hacking it to get_option('admin_email')

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