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Thread: ad post / payment process

  1. #1
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    studioleland's Avatar
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    ad post / payment process


    Can you briefly describe the posting / payment process steps?

    This is what I understand so far:

    1. user registers
    2. user posts ad and is redirected to paypal to pay for ad
    3. admin verifys ad payment and activates ad in dashboard (based upon cp panel settings)
    4. ad goes live

    I'm confused about following piece:

    Where does admin dashboard display "paid" "unpaid" status? How do we know if the person actually paid for the ad they posted if something fails during paypal transaction? Does this system use the paypal ipn api? Thanks. I would like to modify the one off payments into subscriptions but I need to know how the payments get verified.


  2. #2
    groan's Avatar
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    Re: ad post / payment process

    I believe it goes like this
    1. register
    2 post ad
    3. ad stays in draft mode
    4. user goes to dashboard and chooses to pay for ad
    5. ad goes live.

    I believe you do not need to approve it yourself if it is paid for. If you have the admin set to all ads go to draft mode then you will need to approve the FREE ads.
    the admin dashboard, i believe, only displays if it is in draft mode or not. if its a featured ad it will also display that it is sticky.

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