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Thread: Changing image directory?

  1. #1
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    Veteran rodeoramsey's Avatar
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    Changing image directory?

    Is there an easy quick way to change the default uploads directory? I know in a regular wordpress setup I can manually select a directory for uploads to go to. Is it as simple as changing this? I would like to keep users who copy/paste the url of their ad's photo from seeing too many reveling directory paths.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Changing image directory?

    One thing I can say is that there have been a few threads in the past with people who have had issues with images once they change the image file location..

    If you are willing to wait for the upgrade to save you some work, 3.0 will be fully integrated with the WordPress media library so there will be no need to create or use the "uploads/classipress" folder anymore. Uploaded images will now go in whatever folder structure you've setup in your wordpress (i.e. 2009/11/). You will also be able to browse, delete, modify your ad images via the media library which means the ClassiPress "Images" admin page will be phased out.

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