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Thread: Frontpage thumbnails for existing posts

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    Frontpage thumbnails for existing posts

    Hi everyone,

    I just got myself a copy of Classipress and look forward to playing around with it this week. Just having a quick look around the forum and it looks like there's a lot of chat about image management. Apologies if this is a comlete numpy question...

    I've using Classipress on an old site I have with lots of existing posts. How do I set-up front thumbnails for these existing posts?

    Looking at a newly generated post (ad) I can see that the images end up in UPLOAD folder and are attached to the post with 'images' attribute. I tried to FTP some old images into that UPLOAD folder and edit post as follows
    > add custom field > images > old image URL

    but that didn't work...

    Anyone know if this can be done and how to do it


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