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Thread: HELP! Theme not working properly

  1. #1
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    HELP! Theme not working properly

    I am sooo green, so my best bet would be to have a Classipress employee take a look at my install and fix it for me. I really tried hard to follow all the directions, but I am NOT techno savey by any means.

    My current issues

    1. I set up the dashboard, edit ad, and profile pages as instructed but they don't work. When I click on My Dashboard link it says "oops it appears this link is broken"

    2. When I try to submit queries to "contact ad owner" it tells me "email format incorrect"

    I really really need help, w/o all the big words cuz I honestly don't know what they all mean. If anyone from Classipress is willing to just log in and look at what I did wrong and help me fix it I will send you home made chocolate chip cookies!! hahaha

    People have started signing up for my site and if I need to re-install I need to know now before things get to overwhelming.

    HELP! thanks!


  2. #2
    buddy62's Avatar
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    Re: HELP! Theme not working properly

    TaylerJ would be my choice, you will get the job done, ask him for a quote


  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: HELP! Theme not working properly

    I agree in your case you probably need someone to do the initial setup for you, and you can definitely find members who advertise their services here.

    TaylerJ has just recently indicated he is available and he has a set rate for installations, so if you check out this thread you can see more:

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