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Thread: How to display a category in a new custom page

  1. #1
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    How to display a category in a new custom page

    Hi guys, this is a follow up to another post I wrote. I realized that I probably wasn't clear with what I wanted.

    Basically, what I want to achieve is this:

    I want to create a new custom page that displays a specific category. Basically, I'm on the Home Pahe, where I have all my categories listed, and when a click on one I land on a template page (called results.php ore similar) where that specific category or sub category is displayed.

    The reason for doing this, well, as it stands now, I have a page with all categories on it, when I click on a specific category I get the results withing the same page (index.php in this case) The category links are static so the results appear below them, which doesn't look good. Please see for yourself (
    This is a resulting url from a category, and as you can see, the results are below the categories...

    I hope it's clear, I'm a complete php noob, please help classipress gurus!!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: How to display a category in a new custom page

    Looks like you have done pretty well with your site so far for a "noob"

    My only suggestion is that if you don't have someone willing to post a tutorial for you that you may want to look for a coder for hire, perhaps in the theme services thread..

  3. #3
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    Re: How to display a category in a new custom page

    Thanks, that's what I have done, I think I might have found a way around it... I will post it if it works!

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