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Thread: Install Issues - Photo error

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    Install Issues - Photo error

    I am a newby and have read all the info and still can't figure where I am going wrong. Seems like everything is installed, but I don't see a way to ad a photo in an actual ad. I went to Classipress>Images and the following error exist:

    Warning: opendir(../wp-content/uploads/classipress) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Not a directory in /home/content/(Removed this portion for privacy)/html/adpost/wp-content/themes/classipress-2.9.3-developer/classipress/functions/admin-options.php on line 701

    I don't know if this affects adding categories as well but I don't see how to add any new categories. Everything else seems to be working ok. Any help appreciated.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Install Issues - Photo error

    When you are completing the ad form (as a normal user would do), there is an "Add images" field with a browse button next to it. Are you not seeing this?

  3. #3
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    Re: Install Issues - Photo error

    I see it when I do a new ad so I am assuming if you bypass it the first time you don't get a second chance lol. the thing that concerns me is the error message.

    Just tried adding a new ad and this is what I get:

    Warning: copy(/home/content/b/r/i/brianbemis1/html/adpost/wp-content/uploads/classipress/text-t-1493217490.jpg) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Not a directory in /home/content/b/r/i/brianbemis1/html/adpost/wp-content/themes/classipress-2.9.3-developer/classipress/form_process.php on line 120

    Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Not a directory in /home/content/b/r/i/brianbemis1/html/adpost/wp-content/themes/classipress-2.9.3-developer/classipress/form_process.php on line 121

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/b/r/i/brianbemis1/html/adpost/wp-content/themes/classipress-2.9.3-developer/classipress/form_process.php:120) in /home/content/b/r/i/brianbemis1/html/adpost/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 868

  4. #4
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    Re: Install Issues - Photo error

    Sorry I didn't pick it up from your first post, but I can see that you haven't actually got the CP folder in the correct location..

    See where you have got:

    You actually need to take the classipress folder out of the classipress-2.9.3-developer folder so it should look like this:

  5. #5
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    Re: Install Issues - Photo error

    I posted on another link under a topic that has "Themes must have a stylesheet and a template"

    I actually did what you said already. I have attempted about 15 different installs and have tried different folders etc. I have started fresh tom any times to count. Not frustrated...Just know its a learning process that I need to figure out. I have over 100 active websites and do this all the time and have not had this issue before. So that's why I am stumped. I know it's going to be something stupid like I didn't hold my mouth right or something lol.

  6. #6
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    Re: Install Issues - Photo error

    Did you change this since you posted the error message? If so, what does it say now in relation to the path it gives?

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