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Thread: Just a suggestion

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Member egghead's Avatar
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    Just a suggestion

    This is just a suggestion, but I think it would relieve a bit of the theme support headache you must get.

    Why not create a few simple video tutorials. I imagine there are at least a dozen very common questions people have, who are just getting started with WP and Classipress.

    I personally use (-Not an affiliate link.) and find it very easy and quick to use (and cheap). It literally takes me about ten minutes to create a video, upload to Youtube and embed it. A bit more time if I add any other effect (subtitles etc).

    I use this any time I have a client ask me how to do anything. Create a quick video, upload it and send them the link. That way I don't need to keep sending emails back and forth (time consuming) and once the video is created, I can send it to anyone else who in the future has the same problem.

    Just a suggestion.
    ... standing on the shoulders of giants

  2. #2
    Senior Member dazzaboo2000's Avatar
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    Re: Just a suggestion

    I totally agree. For newbies to websites it it not so easy to follow the installation guide. Just one video showing exactly what to click and where to put folders would reduce the number of posts on here.

    People can still post about additional problems (like the one I am still waiting for advice on), but would help a lot of people get it up and running.

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